Friday, November 20, 2009

Streaming sucks ttm.

(Mixed feelings now. haha.)

Haiy, got in to (H) class.
Okay, today was okay luh. Jarrell and Darrell are super cute luh.
The twin brothers. But I can't differentiate them siah!
Post the pictures later. ZhiRui was angry at Chin Yee. HAHAHA.

Hai. Hai. HI!

After the kindergarten, went to parkway as usual.
And omg we saw Miss Chan there.
She was walking. heh heh heh.
Then we ran into Wendy. Cool right!
Then we saw !
And we stalked ____ ____.
HAHAHA. We thought she got boyfriend. But don't have luh.
Lame huh.
After finally reaching home, there was this aircon repair thingie where EVERYTHING from my room was shifted out including beds and clothes. Hai, super messy..and couldn't take a nap. Then mum was so hyper and bubbly (scary you know.) that she suggested going shopping at Far Eastfor Liney's dress. Plus I was so freaking sleepy. We walk walk walk from 5 to 9 leh. And I almost fell. ):
But I still alive. jian chi dao di. hahaha!

I still hate streaming. And Yixia will be a very good mother.

I stumbled for like, a million times almost falling off the stairs. Hais.

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