Wednesday, November 18, 2009

My heaven.

Hi people! Lol. The house is so quiet and Sean is so quiet that it scares me.
But its cooling and quiet today, i like it! HAHAHA.
Why didn't it rain earlier?? The North East monsoons only come at mid evening/afternoon huh. Today was... funny. and sleepy. and restless(ly?).

There was this boy from Yixia's class who asked whether Yixia got boyfriend or not! lmao!
Then CY and I decided to visit her. And the boy's friend (or the boy?huh??) was like, OH, ni de nu peng you! (oh your girlfriends) haha, so cute. LOL! (lesbians! o:)

I was brought to the six year old class. Haha, they're so funny.
I had to teach this table of six kids how to do their han yu pin yin homework.
Walao, they ask alot of questions siah! And they hate Chinese. (The subject not the race,lol!)
I vow never to aspire to be a teacher ever again. Talk until mouth dry. o:

Argh, nobody's online. Woohoo,,i see amelia. Lol!
Its so boring now. boriiiiiing. bored. bored. bored.



HAHAHA. nanananana, you people can't see what in this bracket. (HAHA, smart , you highlighted it.)

Tag replies!
Yi Xia: Yayy for spamming!!! (:
HAHAHA, spam your head uh! Update your blog leh!
shi yi: HAHA, EH. I WANT TO WATCH 2012 LUH :D haha :D
I also want to watch leh. :D
I also want to watch leh. :D

I doubt anyone reads blogs anymore. This is boring. Now is boring.
Holidays are boring. Sims 2 is boring. I hate Sims 3.

I was so bored, i read up on the world's smallest cat.

Mr. Peebles is two years old, weighs about 1 kilo, is about 15 centimeters long and perfectly fits in a 200 ml glass.
Mr Pebbles!
Mr. Peebles Pictures, Images and Photos

Cool or what? (reminds me of drama. hahaha. good days.)

Okay, byebye (:

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