Monday, October 19, 2009

A bug's life.

Taken from Yuli's blog.
Esther's shades are worn too high!
And I look like someone who just popped in to say HI.
Okay, sunburn everywhere.
Bugis at Thursday was a test of stamina and willpower.
Well, if there was a shopping 2.4 km, Yuli and Esther would ace it like 1234567876543!

Okay, sleepy now. My posts are so short, that I shall reply tags on my posts from now.

Tag replies:

chin yee: HAHAHAH! THE GRASS IS NICE:D you took the pics from my fb:D HAHAH!
Lmao, yeah! Forgot to credit you there X:
LittleBoy-Jocelyn: You're bored without me la o.o
Who'd be bored without you? >:)
jocelyn: tagged! The pic on the grass is nice :) i'm bored :(
Haha, its awesome some some!Yes, i can see that
yuli: eh! when you all take the photo on the grass?! D: sry for being late anw. wheres our photo?!
Haha, its okay! we took it while waiting for Chel's mum. (: The photo? I think its in my phone. But the usb is spoilt. Sad sad sad.
Hazel: tagg!! :D
Haha, thanks!
chin yee: yoyo:D why never update about the www or kbox-.- go update about the scary incidents. CREEPY CAN!-.-
HAHAHA, Updated! and YOU, update your dead blog. NOW.
aisyah: so *tag tag*
aisyah: heeelloowww. so long i never tag my impossibler buddy (:
HAHA! HELLOOO! *tags on her blog*
Dolor: hihi

end end end

See, nothing to do!

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