Friday, December 11, 2009

omg last day of childcare was fuuuun!
Minus the part where Sisi fell down and got a blue black :(

i'm so gonna miss the kids lah! Sad, some don't even know my name lor.
Call me Livian.
rolls on the floor. I'll post up the videos and pictures on fb and blog some other time!
procrastinate! And YX is baaack!
And vivian ish bored.
To waste space:

10 Dec 09, 11:34
Adeline: tAG
10 Dec 09, 11:34
Adeline: tAG
10 Dec 09, 11:34
Adeline: tsg.
Stupid girl, don't even know how to spell tag. HAHAHA!
shi yi: HAHA, LMAO ISAAC :D vivian should stop getting addicted to that VITAS GUY! :D
walao! I'm not addicted lor. Now i stopped watching already leh (:
isaac: VIVIAN! u sadist! i bet u liked watching those guys get spanked in the first vid! :P lolz
No, not really. I am very compassionate and empathic. :D
kira: *mob
9 Dec 09, 04:15
kira: there was a flash mod recently in sg. but it's nt as good as those foreigners ones. click on my link :> haha
HAHA, thanks for the link! :D Duh, SG one quite....because everyone only minds their own business.
singyee: ooooooopppsss. LOL
8 Dec 09, 14:47
8 Dec 09, 14:47
8 Dec 09, 14:47
8 Dec 09, 14:47
HAHAHA, i stopped watching VITAS OPERA TWO already, scared my laughing box spoil!

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