Monday, November 09, 2009

hot air balloon Pictures, Images and Photos
I'm the kid up there!
Hahaha, went to the childcare centre (not disclosing the name because its too long and I forgot the name.) !
The kids were super duper cute!
Photography Pictures, Images and Photos
And this is pretty.

CY and I took the second youngest group, the 4 year olds.

photography(: Pictures, Images and Photos
I didn't get the message of this till i saw the chalked part. HAHAHA.
But this picture is cute in the funny way.
(In case why you're wondering the photos are intercepting (y-intercept!) the post...)
(Its to make the post look more uh, picture-ish. (: )

YX took the older class, and Chelsea took the youngest class.
There was this girl who actually licked her leg! HAHAHA! And she had to bathe the kids.
As for YX, i dont really know what happened at her class, haha!
I was sending this girl to the toilet when she suddenly asked me:" Do you love me?"
So cute can! hahaha. CY's class is super chaotic, according to her.
Woah, fighting and fighting over some toy and book!
I love my class. : D
Though it was pretty boring.

Okay, thats all!

CATS Pictures, Images and Photos

Lol! Hahaha, can't wait for Wednesday!

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