Thursday, November 26, 2009

Hello, today 45% sucks.
Firstly: ITS SO HOT.
Secondly:I dont know what to put here.
Thirdly: ai, you highlighted it again.
Fourthly: I printed my report when I was supposed to hand in the soft copy only. How stupid is that!

Slept at 1am plus because I was watching'Cruel Temptation' on the net with Liney.
WALAO, En Cai was too gentle and stuff. It took her 30 half an hour episodes to get angry and get drowned in the sea. And the Aili is such a heheh by doing lots of evil things to her foster parents.

You'll srsly be super angry and irritated after watching the first 15 episodes on Channel U, and very sad and sympathetic for En Cai and her family.

Why am I posting about this show -.-

Today is 55% awesome because
Firstly: I got treated to ice cream.
Secondly: I handed up appeal form.
Thirdly: Liney ain;t at home.:D
Fifthly: I learnt that 'fifthly' exists.

omg its dark here.

LOL. Byebye! (:

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