Friday, October 09, 2009

I threw all of your stuff away, LOSER! :D

Haha, Adeline so cute. LOL!
Cos here we go, go, go again!

Haha, The 'LOSER' part was extra and the rest were part of the lyrics.
(Duh Vivian, they know.)
Shut up.

Anyway, Happy Graduation Night Liney!
You finally finished 10 bloody years of education!
*tears* So proud of you. NOT.
Haha! Lit paper was okay, just that there wasn't enough time!
And today morning was super funny(:

Abit of English
Abit of Lit

I never knew the lift in my house has so many scratches till I wore my specs unknowlingly and went down to buy a drink. LOL!
Spectacles never fail to amaze me when I enter a part of the house and realise, woah, actually there are some markings here and there, and I still can see what I wrote with invisible ink at the study room there last year.

Mooncake festival, we played with fire and i didn;t get burnt, and Rachael's camera so cool can! : D

Okay, bye(:

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