Friday, September 18, 2009

Smoke smoke and more smoke

Hello jellos!
First thing:
Happy BELATED Birthday Xuan Yi Ma'am!
Yesterday school was a very very very sian day.
But at least CCA wasn't that bad. It was rather fun. (:
Well, we had to change to our uniforms. The others went to take their shorts (HAHA) while I decided not to wait for them. WRONG MOVE VIVIAN.
Got chased out immediately after I finished changing because se was cleaning the toilet.
WALAO! It was so malu can.
Sometimes I wish i had short and easy hair instead of having to use million kazillion pins to make a superbun and having to take a very long time to tie my bun and retie and all that.
And when I take off the beret, my hairlooks so ....
And I found a pin in my hair. -.-
Footdrill-ed (F-U-N. FUN!) all the way will 5: 30++
We look like angels when we wear uniform and march. Haha!
Okay, we kept switching from Rotunda to Behind D&T block to rotunda to behind D&;T block and so on.
K, still very fun anyway. :)
Byebye! Sims time. Lol!
Dormant blog, please tag!


Okay, this post was supposed to be posted up yesterday.
And guess what, i've remembered this person's name WRONGLY for like, 4-5 years already?
WTH! Haha. Edited the front part of this post btw. ^^
Hardcored today! : D
That's good, covered abit of math and history!
And talking to Isaac's cousins are (...)

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