Sunday, September 06, 2009


Okay, lol!
Thinking of changing my blog address.
Lemme think...
Good idea?
Maybe? Or...
Or what?

This is pointless. Aww man.
LOL! Its very very cold right now!
My feet is frozen real real coooold.
And awesome news, maybe going Gold Coast this hols!
Oh shit. I just found out that I'm really screwed this time. Very very very very very very!
Counseling time.
Okay Vivian, relax relax nothing will happen nothing will happen nothing will happen
You will go to a good class you will go to a good class you still have (some good marks i think and i hope) to back you up. Good results good results at least you bloody pass your overall. :D

Thats reassuring enough.
Eight things I did today.
#1 Wake up to find my carebear missing and I was lying on it.
#2 Realise kakak wasn't at home.
#3 Did the house work.
#4 All alone at home. (It was freaky. Elaborate later.)
#5 Attempt to do math. But Sean called and I had to stop and go down.Tyvm.
#6 Go Macs for lunch and it was very very cold.
#7 Go to Grandma's . :D
#8 Come home and play the computer.

This is lame. Vivian you are lame. -.-
You all are lame. The world is lame.

Bye lamers.

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