Friday, July 17, 2009

Birthday Wishes.

Happy Birthday To
Sean Ng Jing Wen (10/07/09)
Yuliyanti Kool!(Hehehe, 14/07/09)
Syaffi. Or is he Raziq? (14/07/09)
BRENDAAAAA KOH! (16/07/09)

Keh, they all (minus Yixia and Chels.) and Vivian went tuh the Magic Wok, through the back door. Well, $5 can bring you alot of things.
But only fish and chips. Guess what, they served Yuli and my order to the table beside us mans.
And the people there took me fries. Oh, and Yuli's too. Damn funneh.
Went to my house for PW anyway. Practice, makes, perfect.
Yeah, I guess. not? yes? Neheheheheh.

Went to the playground. Some cat just bit me on the hand. O:
Looks like it doesn't like Vivian.
Ended up playing frisbee with this uncle, who 'teaches' kids how to throw frisbee, tactics and so on. Met Shi Quan and Amanda there too.
How does it feel, when young kids are better in something (frisbee) than you?
Plain old malu.

Heh, g'bye.

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