Thursday, June 18, 2009

Sweet Sugary Goodness.

Aye, nobody's online.
And I'm bored like whatever.
I guess Chin Yee's on her way to Genting now. D:
Never bring me some more.
On the BRIIIIIIGHT SIDE, Brenda's here!
To do her homework. I doubt we'll be able to finish it.
Tell you what, on the bus trip back to Singapore.

I was awake (And very bored.) and it was 4:44pm.
(In Chinese, it is si si si.It means die.As in, pronounciation.)
I looked to my right and saw a cemetery.
*freaks out*
Okay, can't wait for tomorrow:D
Chaaaaaaarlie! "Oh great, they stole my freaking kidney".
"Put a banana in your ear, put a right banana in your favourite ear"
I feel stupid.
Ps: Kira, go to my links and click on Adeline/Amelia. Heheh, pictures there.:D

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