Sunday, June 07, 2009


Sean last time so cute can.
Itsy bitsy teeny weeny yellow polka dotted weeny!
Hahah, went to the Popular sale @ Expo.
Wow, alot of people okay.
And saw quite alot of TK & ex-KHS peeps.

and I saw Russell LEE!
and His hood. So I didn't get to see his face.
But I shall wait for the 50th book to come out, and he'll take his hood off and show us his face.
When will that be? I dunno. *Shrugs*.
I shall play
SHHHH, don't tell anyone keh?
And Sean's desperate for someone to go out with him.
As long as it entertains him, he's happy.
His friends? We-ell, tomorrow is a very important day!:D
Oh basket. My neopet's dying.

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