Friday, June 05, 2009

And we'll be campers forever,

Back back back from Red Cross Camp!
Aisyah and I survived the Olas factor!
I'm so proud of her.
and welll, me too. LOL.
We-ell, let me talk about the camp.

Day One
Learnt first Aid.
And you know what, we got free roller bandages:D
They're ELASTIC!
And have hooks, whicc I sat on.
Pain you know. Math Olympiad people came back in time to learn CPR.
Guess what, there's a woman dummy, and a man dummy.
Man dummy';s face very very red.
Because there was too much alchohol (Used to sterilise the lips of the dummy.).

Doing too many blows for CPR can make you drunk.
Thanks to the alchohol you'll be tasting.
But it's damn damn damn FUN!
Just that you'll get breathless. Or not.
Okay, I'll update some day.

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