Friday, May 08, 2009

Rain outside my window, pouring down.

photography Pictures, Images and Photos
i want to be on this hot-air balloon.
So I don't have to care about Math(:
hello, my mathematics is screwed.
Haha, Paper One was shit.
But rejoiced when I saw this very special question.
Sudden pressure swept me when it was the last 10 minutes of Math.
Almost brokedown when the teacher asked us to stop.
Heck, I'm so going to screw this Math paper.
There are dotted lines along my neck, saying 'Cut along dotted lines'.

a joke to kill you by laughing.

THREE buddies died in a car crash and they went to heaven.
They gathered for the initial orientation.
They were all asked the sa question:
"When you are in your casket and friends and family are mourning for you, what would you like to hear about them say about you?"
The first guy said:
"I would like to hear them say that I was a great doctor and a great family man."
The second guy said:
"I would like to hear that I was a wonderful husband and school teacher who made a huge difference in the lives of the citizens of tomorrow."
The last guy replied:
"I would like to hear them say:
'Look! He's moving!'"


Haha, credits to Wei Chieh. The E.T.


Put what you want your friends and family to say after you fly, and post it on the tagboard:D


Strive hard and KILL MATH.


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