Saturday, April 04, 2009

Wild promises, Honest mistakes.

happy birthday Liu Hwei Ling!

yeah babeh!!
Everyone passed Gold Modular Footdrill!
And we all just want to chuck it in ___'s face!
Here's the scenario:
*Drops paper on the floor*
"Hey ___, help me pick up can?"
___ says: NO.
*Picks up paper*
"OOPS, see which paper I dropped?*chucks it in ___'s face!*
___ dies. HOHOHO.

Okay, created by Shiyi and me(:
Shiyi's dad rocks can, he treated me to chicken rice.
And sorry I had to leave early today!
Had things to do):

Something weird happened today.
Awesome dream, a strip of grape with sour sugary things.
I almost got to taste it, when Mum woke me up.
And I dreamt that I stole a chair.
Yes, a black and velvety(sp) one.
And the dream was sort of like, Wizard of Oz, in a way.
The key back to reality was flippy and papery.

Adapted from Sebastian.

Finally, to remember this workshop and all our efforts,I shall follow in my sisters' footsteps and start the "I miss.." Thingy. (Now that's lame.)
I know it's lame, but I'll still do it anyway.
To all that have toiled to pass this test,
I salute you.

I miss failing to join FDC.
I miss getting ranted at by Nic____.
I miss hentaking like there's no tomorrow.
I miss the super fast timing.
I miss commanding.
I miss buying sweets.
I miss doing yang-tinggi over and over again.
I miss eating strepsils after modular.
I miss Kembangan MRT station.
I miss getting chased out by the officer.
I miss changing at Eunos MRT.
I miss waiting for the rest.
I miss eating fried carrot cake.
I miss the british pies.
I miss getting lost in our search for food.
I miss passing by 3 food caterers in a row.
I miss Flying Fingers.
I miss staying back for practice.I miss throwing leaves at people.
I miss buying Teh-Tarek.
I miss saying Happy birthday to Hwei Ling while studying like mad.
I miss all the sirs and me'rms at RC.
I miss the valuable advice Evonne Me'rm gave us.
I miss reminding Isaac to take his report slip thing.
I miss jacking Nic______.
I miss doing silver drills.
I miss blundering during commanding.
I miss spamming Vivian and ChinYee while waiting for the bus.
I miss 42, the roundabout bus.
I miss the campsite.
I miss the classroom.
I miss practical.
I miss spamming polish on my boots.
I miss commanding.
And congrats to all those who passed!Serve one another,- RCY motto-

and I shall add something.

I will not miss the mosquitoes there.
Haha, byebye(:
This is a bloody long post.

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