Sunday, March 08, 2009

Give me a smile!:D

Good. Now Kakak's home!
Missed her alot you know!And I'm still missing camp like <insertwordherethankyouverymuch>!
Guess what I found in my backpack?
The rotten apple we were given to when trekking.
Keep silent while shock overcomes you.
And, play this game. Tried it last year, and ended up screaming like shitzxzx.
Haha, the apple is brown already!
Vivian screams.

Okay, where was I... one.
Was raining, and we had to do cheers. Melvin (the instructor) was doing some free show with Melvin, in my opinion:D.
Chelsea and I were stuck there, on another end of the Earth, playing scissors paper stone, and hitting each other. Hey, it was pure fun. And Lexuan said we were lesbians. -.-
And finally, the rain stopped raining, and we went for 'roll in the mud with tadpoles' session. It was freaky, and we smelled AWESOME. Some stoidi were kicking mud like stoidi! Hey, that statement was stupid. Okay, we went for jetty jump. So far the best.:D Someone shouted "($((& _______!" Haha, if you can decode this, read the previous previous post and see what on Earth you are.:D Then, we went river cascading. Okay, I was the first one to go. The current was freaking strong. And after my boring ride, I had to cross over. And I seriously needed help. Just nice, ______ was there.
me: erm,______, I need your help. Current too strong.
______: Walks towards. Turns away.
But didn't respond! And I had to cross myself. *pouts*
Okay, Chelsea went next. The current was too strong, and she was nearly swept away.
And the "drama guy who didn't want to save Vivian" said:"DON'T WORRY GIRL!I'LL SAVE YOU!"
Like some superhero much?
And before Pavan could sit, the activity was cancelled.
Lucky me, got to have a ride.
And Indiana Jones rocked and sucked.
Some guy fell head in into the water! roflmao.
And when I was almost there, I fell in.
asdfghjkl. I was almost there. ALMOST THERE.
Okay, then we washed up and stuffs.
day two
Woke up at five or four plusplus, the neighbouring tents were too noisy.
And my tiny toe's nail was in some way, plucked off.
All thanks to Indiana Jones. Stupid movie, stupid game.
I had to wear slippers. But changed to water shoes because.. kayaking was rescheduled!
Life sucks no more.
Okay, kayaking was fun and bad. We nearly capsized ourselves can!
Then we had low elements.
And rafting. Rafting was, uhm...interesting?
Fine, and heard that Da Vinci and Einstein had TWO HOURS of free time!
Haha. When Tagore lost, (predicted.) they decided that everyone was a winner.
Instructors roll in mud! So, Instructor Melvin poofed to another dimension as quick as he could.
Washed up, then after dinner, we went to the firefly cruise.
At first, it was all wow, CHRISTMAS TREES EH. Then I slept throughout the rest.
That's all folks, for Day 2.
day three
Woke up, and felt something on my neck! Stupid creepy crawlie. Heh.
We had to climb Mount Panti!
Oh jey, I was prepared to die there can.
Learnt many things about many people in the climb, and camp.
and things we didn't wish to know now.
We completed the climb in 1 hour 50 minutes.
Power right?:D
Then, it was campfire! Campfire's burning now, CAMPFIRE'S BURNIN' NOW!
Okay, campfire was awesome, but I was sleepy and slept nearly half of it.:x
Followed by a stupid photo of me in the slideshow.
I couldn't see it, but i bet it looked dumb.
Okay, last day.
Had to clean the toilet. And found uneccesary stuffs in there.
Then, we had to bade farewell to the campsite, and oh-so-fun-and-shaky bridge, and pretty green scenery, and stinky toilets.
Norman owes Group 14 coke.
And Group 14 rocks:D
Tagore won most enthu, hooray:D

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