Saturday, February 28, 2009

Just do it.

Life's hard.
Including Math.
And whatonearth is with incident and reflecting rays?
Okay, enough of the rantings.
Meaningless okay.
Super lethargic and restless today, even typing makes me sleepy.
And Chin Yee's down with fever!
get well by today!
or i'll find you,
chop you into pieces,
cook you into curry,
and sell you to...
the curry seller!

Guess what, my phone's a living creature.
Hours ago, the earpiece could play the song, and just yesterday, it couldn't. And now it can. and now it can't.
I guess my phone hates me then.
OH, and now it won't let me finish typing my message.
OH, and it offs by itself.
Throwing tantrums already.
Now it refuses to on.

Okay, let's see the seven things I did today.
#1 Wake up and tells Sean off for slamming the door.
#2 Ear pain.
#3 went to buy breakfast.
#4 Tried to wake them up.
#5 swept floor.
#6 Second attempt to wake them up.
#7 Thinks:" Why am I blogging about this."
Haha, I read other blogs. Their posts are short and sweet.
I guess I should try to do that too:DDD
Okay, I love my blogskin now, and will find another one, asap.
*thinks again*
Or maybe not.
Plain and Simplicity is best after all, right right?
But where'd my archives go?

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