Saturday, January 17, 2009


imprisoned peace :o
Oh yay, i'm quitting next month.
maybe not?
Angelynn lectured me, because Azianna poofed away from tuition and is never coming back
come back come back, and Sarah too!
She went to America and didn't come back to tuition.
I've learnt to be polite when people insult me.(:
You're retarded.
Thank you.
you're stupid.
Thank you.
you waste space.
thank you.
you no-life.
thank you.
thank you.
you're crazy.
thank you
you're a sucker.
thank you.
you jidiot.
thank you.
you're dumb.
thank you.
adapted from Mr stinky.
Haha, posting this doesn't have any purpose or motive to anyone.
Okay, Stinky was not that bad you know.
Except for the 'eating meepok in the classroom,where everyone is hungry' part.
i'm still hungry :x
i love pink dolphin.
: D

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