Wednesday, November 12, 2008


I think I'm cursed today.Or just unlucky?
Okay,there was acred Bronze Footdrill today.
For six people only?And ended up only 3 people attending.
So it was only Kira,ChinYee and me(:
Well,it was dramadrama when i was on my way to school.
after reading this,I would like to say that
I am so notDUMB
i'm quite smart okay.
its TRUE:D
It was so nicely planned.
I decided to eat at 11am, and leave at 11:15.
So,I will reach school at just nice 11:45 or 12pm.
prettypretty schedule.
And guessed what,bus 15 came at 11:30.
I was looking looking..
and messaging ChinYee at the same time.
and what happened next?
I overshot the PP busstop.
um,i actually forgot that i had to change bus.hehe.
and so,I panicked *ahem* and alighted at Telok Kurau..I think?
Then I called Miss Koh Chin Yee.
And sighted the sign saying:"Tanjong Katong Road"
Yay,I'm saved.
So I walked to the road..
and *poof* I'm back at Parkway!
oh damn.
Then,I saw some Margaritas shop.
Dad used to drive pass that to TK.
So I walked and walked.
till I saw a familiar road..
I'm back to Parkway.
I NEARLY died out of erm..many things.
okay, call it head concussion.
So I decided to walk and walk aimlessly and tried calling Miss KCY.
bad reception.
After walking miles and miles and miles,
I decided to take a taxi-.-
The taxi driver was like:"Girl, why you so rush ah?"
haha.Reached school at 1220,I'M SAVED!
and guess what?
*smiles happily*
always cherish life.
then,Kira came,and we practiced and practiced.
and the ma'ams helped us too(:
Then we wore the uniform and all that.
my beret got problem again.
It was too small.
Shows that I'm quite smart you know.
Kira's was a little too big,
Chin Yee's was perfect:D
Then we went for the acred in TKGS.
(acred is like a test.)
The Girls were alr there,and their uniform..
oh lala,so many badges.
haha.The testers were early,and started early.
The TKG cadets/officers were super good can.
They did'nt lag at all,and were super duper loud,
and their footwork was awesome:D
Then after the practical,we went for theory.
And after that,...
and was super cold;
Then after this and that,
we passed acreditation!
We were released and all that.
Then we were told that Ma'am wanted to see us in TK.
so we braved the rain to the TKG guardhouse(:
And when we were hopeless..
as the rain was tooooo heavy...
We took several pieces of soggy cardboard and braved the rain back to TK.
Guess what.
The soggy cardboard made us 0.000001% less wet!:D
Its effective when you don't have umbrella.
so we were only 99.99999 wet!:D
and what happened?
We were told the WRONG MESSAGE.
we could go already you know.
Did'nt have to report back(:
So we waited till 4:30 then the rain stopped(:
But first,tried to dry ourselves by sticking our heads under the hand dryer.
The air was all cold you know!
And tobacco-yyy.
sheesh,thats about it.
So Chin Yee,Kira and I went to the bubble tea shop,and I bought bubbletea!
:D hooray?
Thats all.
Its the loooooooooong story(:

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