Thursday, June 14, 2007

day2 of trip


woke up lyk,9 plus

den we all(only the girls)started 2 pack up the beds,

while sean,he was sitting on the sofa doing dunno wad thing...

den after packing,we ate...

4 got wad we ate 4 brekfast...

anw we were watching kitaro and some music video we found in the apartment...

den,we were watching,watching and suddenly sean,

'eh faster we going 2 the stream leh!!!!'

yes,an idiot wuld noe...

SEAN IS NAGGING!!!!!!!!!!!


den,to pacify him,i changed 2 swimming costume lor///

and oso wear shirt+shorts lar

anw tat day wasnt cold@ all!!!

might b abt 22 or 24 degrees

so,after sean's constant nagging,

we went 2 change and stuff...

den we went down 2 the stream.

@ 1st,yesterday we wanted 2 go dere but6 it was so polluted tat it looked lyk teh tarik

so we didnt go and planned 2 go on the 2nd day

we went down 2 the stream,

and den soaked our feet in the water

SO COLD AND NICE!!!!!!!!!!!

den we noticed a big skool of fishes

den,a dead baby bird!!!!!!!!!

it might haf dropped frm its nest and drowned...

so sad!!!!!!!!

anw we found some rope course obstacles...

my dad and sean and kakak tried it

kakak veri steady,all the way one

nvr stop

anw we found a fork and used it 2 carry it 2 a shallow hole,and we buried it...

rest in peace baby bird....

2 cut the story short,

we packed up after some time,

and made our way 2 the swimmingpool

it was suppose 2 be heated,

but it was sooooooooooooooooooooo COLD!!!!!!!!!

but we still went inside lar

and swam and swam

my aunt and mum didnt wanna go into the jacuzzi dere cos it was COLD

so dey went back

after a wile,we went back

on our way back,we saw giant ants(my dad says in the foressts during his NS days,he saw lots of ants abt 4-5 cm)

we oso saw giant mushrooms,

i tot dey were fake!!!

when we reached back,

we ate maggie mee and bathed

i dont lyk it when it comes 2 bathing dere!!!

cos the water gets cold and hot

den,i took my medicine(cos i sick mahh

den we watch last samurai

the medicine took effect and i slept......

den i woke up

we went gohtong jaya 4 dinner

*end of day 2*

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